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Pedro Gomez-Romero

Pedro Gomez-Romero

CSIC Research Professor and Group Leader
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2.


Prof. Pedro Gomez-Romero (Ph.D. Chemistry, Georgetown University, USA, 1987, with Distinction). Full Professor and Group Leader of NEO-Energy lab at ICN2 (CSIC), Sabbatical at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA (1998-99). Vicedirector of MATGAS Technological Center (2010-2013). Leads projects on Nanomaterials for energy storage and conversion (lithium batteries, supercapacitors, graphene, flow batteries, solar-thermal energy, nanofluids). Author of more than 200 publications. Scientific editor of the books "Functional Hybrid Materials" P. Gómez-Romero, C. Sanchez (Eds.) (Wiley-VCH 2004) and “Metal Oxides in Supercapacitors” (Elsevier, 2017, D Dubal , P. Gomez-Romero) (in preparation) and author of three award-winning popular science books. Member of MRS, ECS, ISE, EuroScience and the Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of the Royal Society since 2014.

Research Interest

Materials for energy storage and conversion, supercapacitors, batteries, graphene, hybrid nanocomposite materials and electrodes, nanofluids.